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Modifying or Terminating a Texas Alimony or Spousal Support Order

Texas courts allow for the payment of alimony, or spousal support, from one former spouse to another following a divorce. However, the paying spouse can petition that the alimony payments be modified or terminated under specific circumstances. This includes a showing of a substantial change in circumstances, if the receiving spouse remarries or cohabitates with a significant other.

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Law Firm Video Intro

We are working on producing an on-line video library. As part of that effort, we have created several video intro pages. Here is one of our new intro videos. Please check back often as we work to expand this effort.

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Establishing Paternity in Texas

Paternity is the legal identification of a child’s father. When a child is born out of wedlock in Texas, there is no legal father. There is a difference between a legal father and biological father in the eyes of the law, and establishing paternity gives rights to both the child and father involved. Paternity can be established in three different ways under Texas law, and an experienced family law attorney will be able to help you figure out which option is best for your family

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When Child Custody Battles Cross the International Line

Child custody disputes are emotionally taxing on the parties involved. Sadly, child abductions across state and international borders happen far too often during child custody matters. If a parent takes a child and crosses state or international boundaries during custody situations, it can pose unforeseen challenges.

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