Resolving Problems With Child Support in Texas
Divorce cases are only rarely complicated by disputes over child support, but our attorneys are prepared to answer your questions and offer practical advice to avoid and resolve any potential problems concerning monthly child support obligations. Contact our office in Houston to get a good idea of how much you will be paying or receiving, or to get the help you need if special circumstances make your case especially uncertain or difficult.
In most cases, the Texas Child Support Guidelines will specify the amount of the monthly obligation. The guidelines consider the noncustodial parent's net income, the number of children, the amount the parent pays for health insurance and whether the parent has children from a different marriage or relationship. The guidelines formula will provide a specific figure that represents the noncustodial parent's monthly child support payment.
Nevertheless, the advice of a knowledgeable attorney might be useful for helping you through situations such as these:
- Problems determining the actual income of a self-employed parent
- Unusual educational, developmental or medical requirements of a child that might result in higher support
- Retroactive child support arrears established after intervention by the Attorney's General office
- Modification of child support due to significantly changed circumstances as to the needs of the child or income of the obligor parent
- Enforcement of child support obligations that have gone into default
Absent any unusual circumstances, it is fairly simple for us to see what amount of child support will be in a given case. In our experience, the problems usually come up when one parent or the other thinks the child support arrangements need to be modified up or down, or when a parent falls behind on child support payments.
We advise clients about child support in both divorce and paternity cases. For additional information call us today at 832-699-1966 for a confidential consultation or complete a client contact form for one of our attorneys to contact you.