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Enforceability of Non-Compete Clauses

Many companies are incorporating non-compete provisions into their employment agreements. It is almost second nature to just ignore these provisions when reviewing the employment agreement. New hires are more interested in pay and benefits and don’t anticipate they will be fired or need to leave their new place of employment. Texas courts generally disfavor non-compete agreements. However, a non-compete agreement may be determined to be enforceable by a court if it is executed for valid consideration, contains reasonable restrictions on the time period, activity restriction and protects the employer’s legitimate business interests

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All the King’s Men: The Texas Castle Doctrine

Understanding the Texas Castle Doctrine: Texas law allows citizens to use force (including the use of deadly force) to protect themselves, their property, other people in danger, or to stop the commission of a felony. These laws are known as the Texas Castle Doctrine. Under certain circumstances there is no duty to retreat and the use of force is justified. However, even the justified use of force for purposes of self defense does not guarantee that an individual will not be arrested and/or charged with a crime.

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When Child Custody Battles Cross the International Line

Child custody disputes are emotionally taxing on the parties involved. Sadly, child abductions across state and international borders happen far too often during child custody matters. If a parent takes a child and crosses state or international boundaries during custody situations, it can pose unforeseen challenges.

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Hate Crimes – An Unsettling Synopsis

Hate crimes are still a problem in Texas. Hate crimes may be crimes committed against individuals due to extreme intolerance regarding a victim's race, sexual orientation or religion (to name a few examples). A recent case in Texas put hate crimes back in the spotlight. In this case, a man was targeted, beaten, and placed in the trunk of a vehicle--due to his sexual orientation.

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Ferry Disaster in South Korea

On today's date in 1865, the worst maritime disaster in U.S. history occurred--the steamboat Sultana exploded on the Mississippi River near Memphis killing approximately 1700 people, mostly Union veterans. Maritime accidents still occur and the recent calamity on the South Korea's Yellow Sea is yet another tragic example. As the daughter of a Longshoreman, I am particularly sensitive to Maritime related issues. If you, or someone you love, is injured in a maritime accident, call us for assistance.

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The Importance of Earnest Estate Maintenance

Court Sides with Father: Texas Man Remains on Life Support Earlier this month, Terry Mace, 43, suffered a heart attack and collapsed at his home in Killeen, Texas. As reported by ABC News, soon after the cardiac arrest he was hospitalized and unresponsive and ultimately placed on life support. ...

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Understanding Texas Spousal Maintenance Law

If you are considering a Texas divorce, spousal maintenance (alimony) may be a significant issue in your divorce proceeding. Historically, Texas law imposed substantial limits on a court’s ability to make spousal maintenance orders, which were far more restrictive than many other states.

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